Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Upper Yough Action

Over the last month, we have been taping footage of various days spent on the Upper Yough. Living in Southwest Pennsylvania, the Upper Yough is our summer stomping ground when everything else has dried up. If you haven't been to this river it is one to check out for sure as it offers lines for the competent class IV boater and if you want to seek them out, it becomes very easy to take other lines that border on the class V realm.

Plus the river is a rolling party on a scheduled release, where everyone seems to know everyone, and you always see something new.

Here are links to two videos shot on the Upper Yough.

The first video is a 30 or so minute clip (read big file for those of you with a slow connection) of the Got Boof Crew shot over multiple days which can be seen here.

The second video is a compilation of carnage captured during the making of the first video and can be seen here.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Low Water Valley Falls Huckfest

With little water left in the local rivers, Jim and I decided to represent the Got Boof Crew @ Valley Falls, WV by shooting some footage of his new inflatable kayak in action (plus I was really interested in seeing if this would be a carnage fest, or if those things can huck).

Well, does it ever! Even well below the minimum suggested level, we were able to run the majority of the drops in the river, minus the middle line in the first falls and the main line in Hamburger Helper. Of course the workout you get carrying back up to drop each drop again and up the final trail after you run the lower rapids made for a very physically fullfilling day.

Check out the action here

Thursday, August 03, 2006


I just added some older clips that I had lying around on my computer to flesh out the content here abit. You can find two of these clips on the class-sik website as well, which is run by Zachary Frederick, one of our regions up and coming hairboaters. Zachary has been my access to the Upper Blackwater and a trip to the south that I will never forget.

Zachary @ Hammer Factor - Green River, NC

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

So it begins...

Here is the beginning... in the coming days I will try to include information about the team members first, and then some footage for everyone to check out.